Recent Images

Exploring the forests, mountains, waterfalls and coastline at Australia’s island state of Tasmania.

Black & White images of Moreton Bay Fig Trees at the base of Kings Park, Karri Trees from the Boranup Forest and observations from the Great Southern and Kimberley Regions of Western Australia.


With black-and-white portraits, you get the feeling of going beyond the skin. If you’re lucky, you might see a tiny bit of something!


A different perspective with drone technology. Observing the features and movement of the earth's surface at a different scale.


One image used multiple times can produce significant symmetry. While many images taken over time, can produce a sequence of changing events within a location.

Tidal Sands

The tides come and the tides go. Tidal movement of up to 9 metres twice a day on Cable Beach creates a continual change, distorting observations.


Always looking for a surrounding with a wide view, that bellows the excitement of silence and remoteness.

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